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It’s officially summer time and what better way to begin summer then with a giveaway. Get ready to have those summer boxing sessions! What more do you need?

We’re giving away a beautiful pair of Fortis Renegade boxing gloves. Well, now you can!

There are a number of ways you can enter. For a chance to win all you have to do is:

1. Follow us on Instagram or Twitter or like us on Facebook (Must be following on at least one platform to be entered)
2. Tag 2 friends
3. Share or RT our giveaway post

Winner to be contacted via Private Message on 12th July 6PM GMT.

For bonus entries, follow us on more than social platform (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

Good luck to everyone entering!

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Having good footwork is vital when it comes to boxing. If you look at all the great boxers they all have great boxing footwork. Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Marvin Hagler, Sugar Ray Robinson, Floyd Mayweather, the list can go and on.

You have to improve your boxing footwork to become a better boxer.

That’s where we can help you out. We have launched our new boxing tips series of videos which we go into detail on how you can become a better boxer. We share tips and tutorials on what you can do to be a better boxer.

And for this we collaborated with pugilist Rick Sandhu.

Rick knows a thing or two about boxing as he’s participated in boxing matches and has been boxing for years. So you can rest assured Rick knows what he’s talking about when it comes to boxing.

Boxing Footwork

The first video on our series is all about boxing footwork. As we explained good footwork is one of the most important things to have when boxing. Rick goes through with you and shows you some simple drills that you can do on your own to get better with your footwork.

He shows you the correct way to move, pivot and much more.

Check out the video below:



Rick is a natural at teaching boxing and does a really good job in showing you the fundamentals. In the video he does use a agility ladder which you can buy from Amazon or any sporting goods store but if you don’t have one you can still improvise and use something else as a ladder.

Nothing should stop you from practicing your footwork and becoming a better boxer. This video will definitely help you to improve your boxing footwork.

We hope you like the video and if you did please share it with someone who would find it useful.

Let us know what you think of the video as well and make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel as we’re going to be uploading many more videos in future.

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To many people boxing looks like a violent sport with two people just clobbering each other as hard as they can without much skill or technique. Over the years boxing has faced its fear share of criticism but many people are mistaken.

Boxing is a sweet science where the boxers often dedicate their lives to perfecting their ability and talent. They have to have the determination and discipline to stick to their routines and make sure they are at the best of their condition. Boxing is not just people hitting each other as hard as they can. It is calculated shots and punches thrown with precision. Some people might think why should they learn boxing? The benefits to learning boxing outweigh the negatives.

You have increased confidence, better fighting abilities, will feel and become more fitter, improve stamina and endurance among many other things.

But the most important thing of all it builds is an indestructible mentality. Boxing not only gets you out of your comfort zone, it makes sure you never go back into that zone. It pushes you way beyond your known limits. Boxing is beautiful.

This is more of a beginners guide to boxing but even if you do box, you might be able to learn a thing or two as well. This guide does go in depth of different aspects of boxing including stance, footwork, punching combinations, training, diet and much more.

You might want to bookmark this page so you can reference back to it as its full of useful information, pictures and videos. If you do find anything useful please do share it with other boxers or anyone else that may find it useful. Now lets get ready to learn about boxing!


The very first thing when starting out is to get the boxing stance right and stand it the correct stance. This is important for a number of things such as balance and guarding your body and face. There are a number of different stances you can use. When looking at various professional boxers fighting you might see them with different stances but they are advanced stances and suit their style of boxing and movement.

Once you get a better and go learn more advanced movements you can experiment with different stances but we recommend utilizing and mastering the basic stance at first.

Orthodox Stance

The orthodox stance is basically a stance suited for people who are right handed and prefer to fight using their right hand as the dominant hand.
Front toe & back heel on the center line. Dominant hand in back (if you are right-handed, put the right hand in back).
The basic boxing stance helps to attack and defend properly and gives better balance while also
making you well covered.

For the basic boxing stance make sure:

• You evenly distribute your weight across both legs and have your knees bent slightly
• Your hands should be protecting your face but your elbows should be down and protecting
your body. However you hands should not be covering up your face and you should be able
to see your opponent.
• Feet should be slightly more than shoulder width apart and feet should be positioned
diagonally with one foot ahead of the other.
• Your dominant hand should be at the back (if you are right handed, your right hand should
be at the back and vice versa if you are left handed.)
• Make sure your hands are always up
• Once you throw a punch always come back to your stance with your guard up.

The dominant hand is at the back because this is the one where you have all the power. The jab isused just for the opening up the opponent while the the cross is used for the power punch.

Southpaw Stance

This is a stance suited for left handed boxers because sometimes left handed people don’t like the traditional orthodox stance. Southpaw is basically the opposite of the orthodox stance. Your right hand will be in the front and be the lead while your left hand, which is the more stronger hand, willbe the hand which is positioned in the back.

The southpaw stance is a good stance for someone with power and strength in their punches and suited for people that are left handed.


Footwork is another important thing for boxers. If you don’t work on your footwork you can look slow and sloppy. Having good footwork helps your movement and helps you to manurer around the ring.

It is vital for beginners to master basic footwork including the step drag and pivot manoeuvrers. In boxing it is vital that you master this as it will help you to move around quicker and also dodge your opponents.
Many people start with having the habit of making small jumps of the ground however you want to keep your feet grounded and not jump around as this wastes energy. You can develop your footwork once you become better and develop as a boxer which will you will get over time and training.

The Step – Drag

This is the basic of boxing footwork however it is more simple than it looks. It’s called the step-drag because you do just that, you step with your front foot and drag other foot.

All you have to do is step with your front leading foot and drag your back foot. Keep on practising this until you have perfected this as this is a fundamental for any boxer to develop.

Mastering the step-drag helps you keep your weight balanced and grounded and also stops you from falling over or crossing your feet.

[bctt tweet=”Mastering the step-drag helps you keep your weight balanced and grounded and also stops you from falling over or crossing your feet.” username=”fortisfight”]

• For forward or left move your left foot first and drag you right foot after
• For backward or right do vice versa, so step forward with your right foot and drag the left

The Pivot

Along with the The Step-Drag, the pivot is also a very important part of boxing. The pivot is used to change directions, avoid punches and get new angles to unleash your fury of punches.

It is easier than it sounds to pivot. You should:

• When you are in your boxing stance spin your front foot and get to back foot to move.
• Your body should pivot left or right (depending on which direction you want to go) and
move your back foot along with your body. How much you want to pivot is up to you. You
can pivot 45, 90 or 180 degrees.
• You should now have pivoted yourself out of the way and now you can counter punch your

When doing the pivot you don’t want to step across with your back foot and you don’t want to transfer your weight onto your front leg. Once you’ve done the pivot it is good to combine it with a left hook or uppercut.





Pivoting is a simple skill but can take some practice getting used to it. Like everything, make sure you are practicing right.


Punching is the main part of boxing obviously. If you are not punching, then your opponent is doing all the punching and you are going to get hurt or knocked out.
When are you going to throw a punch make sure you are in your boxing stance and keeping your guard up. Stay relaxed and calm and tighten your fists and body when you actually hit the target. Tightening your fist before can actually slow your punch down.

Making a Proper Fist

Some people don’t know how to make a proper fist with their hand and since this is a beginners guide we may as well tell you how to make a fist.

• Start with a open hand and with everything natural.
• Curl and bend your fingers so your fingers start to close your hand. Your fingers will have
the natural base that they fit into.
• Once you have done that just fold your thumb down over your fingers.

You should always have your guard up when you start fighting and it should never go down. A boxing guard gives you the protection you need with your hands while still being able to attack and defend. It does not block your visibility and does not affect your skills or abilities.

You may have seen many various professional and amateur boxers adapt different guard styles and different stances such as the peek-a-boo style and Philly Shell. They are just using the stance that they think fits in with their boxing style. However we recommend you should use the beginner stance and guard.

Boxing Punches

When you are punching always punch relaxed and punch by turning your whole body and pivoting your feet except when throwing the jab. When you release a punch exhale through your mouth and always make sure the non punching hand is defending your body. Always exhale sharply when you throw a punch and try to maintain your balance.


The jab is the most important and probably most used punch in the boxers arsenal. Not only can you attack with the jab it can also be used to defend, counter punch and even defend.

[bctt tweet=”The jab is the most important and probably most used punch in the boxers arsenal. Not only can you attack with the jab it can also be used to defend, counter punch and even defend.” username=”fortisfight”]

Near enough all combinations start with jabs. You can use the jab to combine and connect with other punches like the cross, hook or uppercuts.
The jab also lets you manurer yourself into more open space and is the punch that is the fastest to throw as well.

To throw a jab you should start in your normal boxing stance and guard. Once you are in your

• Throw your punch out straight while your fist is fully clenched.
• The jab isn’t intended to be a power punch instead it is meant to be a punch to be strategic,
to make space, to assess your opponent or even to defend. However it can and has been used
to knockout opponents.




The cross is usually one of your strongest punches because it will usually be thrown by your strongest hand. It is done with your back hand and can be used to knockout your opponent very effectively.

The cross is a very simple but very effective punch however you still have to get the technique right and there are a lot of beginners who do not use the cross properly or use the correct technique.

To do it the right way you should:

• Move your hips and rotate them pivot your foot. The power comes from rotating your hips.
• Extend your fist out and throw your punch out. Don’t lean your head down when doing this.
• Follow through with your punch however don’t overextend as this will leave you open to
counter punches.
• Keep your elbow in and try to keep your elbow in front of your belly button as you do throw
your punch as your opponent will be able to see your punch coming if you flare your elbows
• Exhale out and breathe when you are throw your punch and remember to go back to your
• The hand that isn’t punching keep that up near your chin so you are guarding your face.
Twist and pivot your back foot slightly as that helps add more power to your punch.



You can combine the cross with other punches to create some devastating combinations. A good combination taught to beginners is the jab and cross which is known as the 1-2 combination. This is a simple but very effective punch and if executed properly can knockout your opponent instantly.


The hook is a one of those punches that can hospitalize your opposition if thrown properly and with correct technique and power. Many boxers use the hook very effectively, notably Mike Tyson who had knocked out many opponents with his left hook.

The hook punch is a precision punch and looks beautiful when connected properly. It does take a bit of skill to pull it off and you do have to practise the punch however this is another one of those punches that is a must have punch in your boxing toolbox. Another boxer who used the left hook very effectively was ‘Smokin’ Joe Fraizer. He had a great left hook and many boxers of his generation were scared of his left hook.

Have a look on YouTube and put in some top professional boxers like Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, George Foreman or Roy Jones Junior and see how they box. You’ll notice that they punch with great style and you will be able to learn a ton from them just by watching them.

Like the cross you can combine the hook punch with many different punches and make some destructive combinations.

To throw a hook punch:

• Move your feet and pivot your feet 90 degrees and lift your left heel.
• Rotate your body and hips along the same direction you pivot your feet.
• As you throw your punch bend you elbow slightly while keeping your fist face down.
• Keep your non punching hand near your chin guarding your face.




The uppercut along with the cross and hook is another deadly punch and is great for the short range. A great punch for short range and is very effective. This was another punch popularized by boxers such as George Foreman, Lennox Lewis, Mike Tyson and Joe Louis.

• When you throw your punch use it like a punch and don’t lean into your punch
• Have your elbow pointing down and swing your fist upwards and breathe out.
• Your punch lands your opponent with your knuckles facing up
• Keep quick and on your feet as and once executed follow up with other punches and
• When throwing the uppercut bend your legs slightly as this puts more power into your



The uppercut is a very powerful punch and fast and efficient. It is a lot better if you do it short range and really catch the opposition off their guard. A downside of this is you do leave one side of your body unguarded and exposed so your opposition can counter you but you have to make sure you are quick with your punch.

Increase your Punching Power

There are a number of things you can do to increase your punching power to make your punch both harder and stronger. There are certain exercises you can do to increase your punching power.

Check out this article for a more detailed read on how to increase your punching power.

How to Punch Faster and Increase Speed

As well as increasing your punching power, you may also want to punch faster. You’ve seen boxers like Muhammad Ali and Manny Pacquiao throw a fast flurry of punch combinations and you want to be able to do that as well.

The first thing you need to do is practice punching a lot to be able to increase your punching speed. The second thing you need to do is read this article. It details the different exercises, techniques and tips you can use to actually punch faster.

The hook punch is a precision punch and looks beautiful when connected properly. It does take a bit of skill to pull it off and you do have to practise the punch however this is another one of those punches that is a must have punch in your boxing toolbox. Another boxer who used the left hook very effectively was ‘Smokin’ Joe Fraizer. He had a great left hook and many boxers of his generation were scared of his left hook.

Have a look on YouTube and put in some top professional boxers like Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, George Foreman or Roy Jones Junior and see how they box. You’ll notice that they punch with great style and you will be able to learn a ton from them just by watching them.

Like the cross you can combine the hook punch with many different punches and make some destructive combinations.

To throw a hook punch:

• Move your feet and pivot your feet 90 degrees and lift your left heel.
• Rotate your body and hips along the same direction you pivot your feet.
• As you throw your punch bend you elbow slightly while keeping your fist face down.
• Keep your non punching hand near your chin guarding your face.




The uppercut along with the cross and hook is another deadly punch and is great for the short range. A great punch for short range and is very effective. This was another punch popularized by boxers such as George Foreman, Lennox Lewis, Mike Tyson and Joe Louis.

• When you throw your punch use it like a punch and don’t lean into your punch
• Have your elbow pointing down and swing your fist upwards and breathe out.
• Your punch lands your opponent with your knuckles facing up
• Keep quick and on your feet as and once executed follow up with other punches and
• When throwing the uppercut bend your legs slightly as this puts more power into your



The uppercut is a very powerful punch and fast and efficient. It is a lot better if you do it short range and really catch the opposition off their guard. A downside of this is you do leave one side of your body unguarded and exposed so your opposition can counter you but you have to make sure you are quick with your punch.

Increase your Punching Power

There are a number of things you can do to increase your punching power to make your punch both harder and stronger. There are certain exercises you can do to increase your punching power.

Check out this article for a more detailed read on how to increase your punching power.

How to Punch Faster and Increase Speed

As well as increasing your punching power, you may also want to punch faster. You’ve seen boxers like Muhammad Ali and Manny Pacquiao throw a fast flurry of punch combinations and you want to be able to do that as well.

The first thing you need to do is practice punching a lot to be able to increase your punching speed. The second thing you need to do is read this article. It details the different exercises, techniques and tips you can use to actually punch faster.


Once you have practised your punches and are more confident with throwing the basic punches it is time to put them together and throw some boxing combinations. It is up to you what kind of punches you want to throw.

You can throw whichever punches you and the order all depends on you. There is no real set order or rules you should follow. However we recommend starting your combinations of with a fast punch like a jab as this this will leave you open less. You can then follow up however you want with a cross, hook or uppercut. You
can throw just with one hand but it is highly recommended to use both hands and use both your left and right to throw the punches.

You should alternate between your hands when you throw punches but you can throw double punches of either hand to bemuse the opposition. As you go on and carry on with your boxing training you will find that you learn more combinations. You may also make your own combinations up and therefore making your own style. But you can try different punches and different combinations and find out which one works for you.
Some combinations you can try out and practice are:

1 – 2 punch – This is a basic punch combination and and is just a jab followed with a cross. A
deadly combination if executed correctly.

Jab > Jab > Cross – Another simple but deadly combo. This one as the name suggests is just a jab,
jab and then a cross. Make sure you execute the combination with speed and precision. If done
properly this can knock your opponent out faster than you can say Shane Mosley failed drug test.

Cross > Hook > Cross – Start with punching with your backhand followed by a hook with the
opposite hand and finishing off with a cross.

Jab > Jab > Cross > Hook > Uppercut – A more slick combination combining all aspects of boxing
punches together. Start with two jabs of the same hand followed by a cross with the opposite hand
and finish with a hook and uppercut.

Jab > Uppercut > Uppercut – A good combination against someone with a high guard. This can
break your opponents guard and break them. Start with a jab then then quickly follow up with an
uppercut with your backhand and another uppercut with your front hand.

Hook (body) > Hook (body) > Hook (head) – A combination used by heavyweight boxer Mike
Tyson. A viscous combo which all punches are thrown from the same hand. The two hook punches
to the body are thrown with your lead hand followed quickly by a devastating hook to the head. A
knockout combination.

Jab > Cross > Uppercut – A nice punch combo mixing the different range of punches. Hit with a
quick jab followed by a cross and then a uppercut to the head. Your opposition will never know
what hit him.


Having a good defense in boxing is imperative in boxing. If you are fighting against an opponent who is aggressive or a hard hitter then there is no question about it that you will need to defend against him/her at some point during the fight. The most basic and probably one of the effective ways to defend is blocking. Learning how to block is the easiest way to stay in range of your opponent and not getting hurt. Blocking is also very effective because it does not take much energy to do and can some punches efficiently.

When you have learnt how to block punches you can move onto more advanced things like rolling and parrying. However blocking is one of the easiest ways to defend.

Blocking punches to the head

• In your normal stance bring your gloves up to your face to cover your face.
• If you want to block a punch from the right bring your left hand up to block
• You do vice versa if you want to block the a punch coming from the left. So bring up your
right hand if you want to block a punch coming from the right.

Block punches to the body

• Keep your elbows in and close to you so they protect your body
• Lower the right elbow to block left handed punches and lower the left elbow to block right
handed punches

When it comes to blocking you still have to get the timing right. If you get the timing wrong your opponent going to see it and hit you on the other side. Always keep your balance as it is easier to block punches coming in. If you are blocking, don’t just keep on blocking, fight back and go on the attack. You must of heard
the saying the best defense is a good offense. This couldn’t be more true when it comes to boxing.

There is nothing wrong with defending but you do need to attack as well. Look for an opening on your opponent as well. When he or she is attacking block the punch and look for the counter punch.

Shoulder Roll

The shoulder roll is a defensive move in which as the name implies roll your shoulder. It is used by Floyd Mayweather Junior with great effect. It is a simple move to do but hard to master and is used by many skilled boxers. The shoulder roll is very effective when used in combination with counter-punching. Some things you should remember when doing a shoulder roll are not to lean not back and keep your chin tucked in.

Some easy steps to pull of a shoulder roll:

• Start off in your normal stance.
• Roll your shoulder away from the punch.
• Lean back slightly to avoid the punch
• Your right hand (or opposite side if doing it for the opposite side) should be used to cover
your chin/face.
• You should rotate the other side from the punch, e.g. if your opponent throws a punch with
his right hand you should rotate from the left.

Once you have successfully done the shoulder roll you can follow up with a number of punches including the jab, cross or uppercut. It takes a lot of practise to master the correct technique and timing of the shoulder roll but keep practising, watch other people who do the shoulder roll well and you should be able to do it well.





Slipping is another defensive technique which you can is very effective as it doesn’t use your hands, so your hands are free to counter-punch. Slipping was used very well by Mike Tyson and he was a master of the move having perfected the technique.


When you slip your opponents punch you can land a counter-punch on your opponent like a hook or uppercut. Slipping involves shifting of your weight from one side to the other with slipping however it does require really quick reflexes to get it right and if you don’t you can end up getting punched in the face! Which is something you probably don’t want. Proper slipping requires you to go left to right, side to side and and leaning back.

Some tips you want to remember when slipping is:

• Shift your weight from one side to the other
• Bend your knees slightly
• Pivot your feet when slipping your opponents punch.

A good way to practice your slipping technique is too hold something over your head. You can get a friend to hold a ball on a string or tie the string to your ceiling. Swing it slowly side to side. As you see Mike Tyson above, hold your hands up, keep your knees slightly bent and move and shift your
weight from side to side. Try not to get hit by the ball. This exercise will improve your technique and make you a better boxer.


Parrying is a basic defensive move but is very useful and a very effective move. Boxers in the olden days used to use it well such heavyweight champions Jack Johnson and Joe Louis.

Parrying allows you to deflect your opponents so you use your opponents energy as well. You just deflect the punch into a different direction which you can then follow up with a counter. There are different types of parrying, we’re not going to go into the different types of parrying. The basic concept of parrying is when the opposition punches you, you catch the punch and deflect it into a different direction which you can then follow with a counter punch.



Counter-Punching is important in boxing. Sometimes it might feel like all you are doing is counterpunching. Basically put counter-punching is just punching your opponent straight after your opponent launches an attack.

So as soon as your opponent launches a punch, you see the opening an punch them back. It is about defending and attacking at the same time so your defensive and offensive skills need to be on point. To counter for a beginner it is easier to block the on coming punch first and then counter straight
away after. For jabs they can be countered simultaneously by throwing a punch at it or blocking and then countering.

When your skills improve and you get better, naturally your reflexes and reactions will also get better. Then you will be able to counter other punches with ease however you should first start to perfect counter-punching by practicing it. Try watching and studying boxers like Floyd Mayweather Jr and Roy Jones Jr, they are some of the throw some of the best counter punches in boxing.

How to counter Jabs:

• It’s simple to counter a jab, just throw your own jab and then throw another punch
• You can block first and then counter punch your opponent.

How to counter cross or uppercut

• You can counter it by throwing a jab.
• Throw a left hook before your opponent throws a right or left punch
• Block the punch first and then throw a punch your self to counter.
• The same goes with either left or right side.

Some things to look out for when counter-punching are things like making a note in your head of when your opponent is going to punch. When you are fighting someone for the first time it is hard to find out if what they will do next.



However you can find out from their movements. You should look for patterns your opponent does and look for little hints that he might give away like a shoulder roll, their eyes, movement of hands, etc. The idea is to look for these things quick so you can anticipate what kind of punch your
opponent is going to throw.

Don’t go back, and back down. It is best to go forward when counter-punching. At the end of the day though it is all about practice and putting the time in to train and improve yourself. You might go against one of those boxers wildly swing away and are proper angry and aggressive who are just trying to take your head off.

When you fight an opponent like this, it is best to keep a cool head and counter them. When they start their flurry of punches, cover up and block their punches and then counter punch them a combination of punches.

Diet and Training Routine

Adapting a boxers diet can be difficult when you are used to eating burgers and fries from McDonald’s. Professional athletes and boxers have to be strict with their diet. They don’t binge eat take out food and ice cream. Boxers usually follow a strict diet to other athletes like bodybuilders, runners, footballers, etc. They usually don’t fall of their routine either. They may have the odd cheat meal here and there but it’s not something they make a habit of.

You want to have a good balance of protein and carbohydrates while also adding some fats into your diet. Also you want to incorporate vitamins and fiber into your body as these help digest food. A good balance is to have 45% each of protein and carbohydrates and 10% fats.

Protein is good for promoting muscle growth and building muscle up once you have trained. It is vital to include proteins for your diet for muscle growth. Protein can come from foods like nuts, chicken, fish, beef, milk, eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, beans, lentils and Greek yogurt.

[bctt tweet=”Protein is good for promoting muscle growth and building muscle up once you have trained. It is vital to include proteins for your diet for muscle growth.” username=”fortisfight”]

Carbohydrates are for building energy and to keep you energised through out the day. They are a staple in any boxers diet. Healthy carbohydrates sources include pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, spaghetti, oats, quinoa and milk. Including healthy fats in your diet helps reduce your cholesterol and can reduce your risk of getting
type 2 diabetes. Foods high in healthy fats are avocados, walnuts, almonds, olives, dark chocolate
and flaxseed.

You want to drink plenty of water through out the day as well. Water not only keeps you hydrated but also increases energy and gives. Try to aim to drink about a gallon of water a day which equates to round about 4.5 litres of water. It might seem like a lot but you’ll get used to it after a while. Another good idea is to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. They are naturally high in fiber and vitamins so they will benefit your body.

Keep away from fried foods and fast food joints like McDonald’s and Burger King. Also avoid carbonated soft drinks and processed foods. They add nothing and will just put a negative effect to your hard work. You don’t want to end up like Fat Albert, do you?

Example Diet Plan

You can make your own diet plan but here is an example of a diet plan you could follow:

2-3 Eggs
2 Slices of Toast
1 Avocado

½ Cup Greek Yogurt
Fruit Juice

2 Chicken Breast
Fresh Fruit

Pre-Workout Meal
½ Cup Cottage Cheese

Chicken or Steak
Fresh Fruit
½ Cup Cottage Cheese

Training Routine

It is ideal and recommended to train at a boxing gym as they have all the equipment you need to train and also you can get some good advice.

However if you don’t have a boxing gym close to you you can start training at home by just getting a few things like a heavy bag and skipping rope. You can also invest in a floor to ceiling bag or speed bag if you want although its not necessary. Each exercise is split up into rounds. Each round is 3 minutes long. After one round you have a 30 second rest. The training routine is taking into account that you have minimal equipment available such as  a heavy bag and skipping rope.

Warm Up (Stretching, etc)

Jogging (1 Mile)
Shadow Boxing (3×3 rounds)
Skipping (2×3 rounds)
Heavybag (3×3 rounds)
Calisthetics [push ups, squats, bench dips, squat thrusts] (do 15 reps each exercise and do as many
sets as you can of each exercise) (3×3 rounds)
Practice one combo on heavybag (2×3 rounds)
Abdominal exercises [sit ups, crunches] (do 25 reps each exercise and do as many sets as you can)
(3×3 rounds)

Cool down

Stretching (1×3 rounds)
Abdominal exercises [sit ups, crunches] (do 25 reps each exercise and do as many sets as you can)
(2×3 rounds)

This is just a sample routine and you can follow it or alter it to how you want. You can even make your own routine and follow that. Or check out our blog for training routines of Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather, Anthony Joshua, Amir Khan and many more boxers.


Boxing does require discipline, dedication and focus but as long as you are prepared to give it your all and focus on the end outcome. All you have to do is want it and keep your eyes on the prize.

[bctt tweet=”Boxing does require discipline, dedication and focus but as long as you are prepared to give it your all and focus on the end outcome. All you have to do is want it and keep your eyes on the prize.” username=”fortisfight”]

You are never too old to start boxing. Ken Norton, Rocky Marciano, Sergio Martinez all didn’t start boxing until they were in their 20’s and they all became excellent and well accomplished professional boxers. It’s not age that counts it’s the drive, the hunger and the dedication that counts. After getting out of youth prison Mike Tyson dedicated himself to boxing training and under his father-like mentor and trainer Cus D’Amato, he achieved great things in boxing.

A young boy in Louisville, Kentucky had his bike stolen and got so mad he wanted to ‘whup’ the thief. The policeman calmed him down and took him to a boxing gym instead. He dedicated himself to boxing and would train for hours a day. He went on and cemented his place as ‘The Greatest’. Muhammad Ali not only was ‘The Greatest’ but he became a legend in boxing and is considered to be the greatest of all time. However you might not want to become a professional boxer and you may only want to take up boxing for self defense or to improve fitness. Whatever reason it is, take training seriously. Make a schedule for your training and stick to it.

The best place to start with boxing training is to go to your local boxing gym and start practicing. You’ll be able to learn tons there. However if you don’t have access to a boxing gym or if the closest boxing gym is too far for you then you can train at home.

Just get yourself a cheap heavy bag of eBay or Amazon and a pair of Fortis boxing gloves (because they’re the best!) and start training.

Practice the different boxing punches and combinations contained in this article. We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something from it. If you did share it with a friend who might find it helpful as well.